
James Huynh


Yes, cabbages can fly.

last updated:

@cabbagecanfly everywhere: githublinkedininstagramsteamdeviantart


Focused with full stack development.

I did a 16-month co-op as a full stack developer at an AI analytics fintech company called Overbond.

I was born in Toronto, Canada, but I can only remember growing up in Mississauga.
I completed my Computer Science undergrad at the University of Toronto in May 2023.


I enjoy running and biking. I hope to get back into swimming, so that I can complete a triathlon at some point. :)

I enjoy gaming in my free time. I've recently been playing:

I used to play these a fair bit:


Here's my resume in a light theme and dark theme.


Monokai-based colours:
orange #FD971F
green #A6E22E
black #181A1B
white #FFFFFF
pink #F92672
blue #66D9EF

Name font: Yanone Kaffeesatz
Content font: Fira Sans Condensed
Resume font: Segoe UI

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